Here are links to documents related to the union’s fight with management that resulted in its winning office space, equipment, and four full time positions for the President, Chief Steward, Senior Vice-President and President-Elect (this position title was changed to Executive Vice-President in an amendment to the Union’s By-Laws). These include the Agreement with management over these subjects, the Negotiability Appeal and Decision, the OSS “Help’ letter and representative response letters – from citizens, to and from management, and to and from Members of Congress.

A letter from Grizzle to Sen. Brock Adams asserting, falsely, that the union wants to use official time to represent the New York State Coalition Opposed to Fluoridation (NYSCOF), and one from NYSCOF debunking Grizzle’s assertion.Grizzle Adams NYSCOF

Now a citizens’ response via petition dealing with toxic carpet and citizens with Multiple Chemical Sensitivity petition letter to Congress This is followed by a sample letter from the union to several Members of Congress Union letter to Congress.

Here is a representative piece of strategy planning for OSS OSS planning and a piece by columnists Jack Anderson and Dale Van Atta in the Washington Post about the union struggle with management.Wash Post on OSS

Next are another copy of the union’s appeal for help, a.k.a. the “OSS” letter, followed by a sample of the many letters to Administrator Reilly copied to the union. (A few lack their second page.) Note the cc’s to Members of Congress. Responding to letters from Members of Congress with detailed answers to questions posed by the Members is not a cut-and-dried exercise. Great pressure was thus brought to bear on the union’s behalf.      OSS ltr and citizens 2 EPA

And finally the Negotiability Appeal and the FLRA Decision on the Appeal upholding the union’s right to bargain over the uses claimed, followed by the Agreement between the union and EPA on Official Time.Negotiability AppeaNegotiability Decision Signed Official Time Agreement